viernes, 15 de junio de 2012



What are school guidance and counselling?
Who is a counsellor?....

Look the videos for a better understanding of the concept....

martes, 22 de mayo de 2012



  1. To know what is a webquest.
  2. To deap into school guidance and councelling concept.

  • To understand the concept of school guidance counselling.
  • To know the main functions of the school guidance counselling services and the areas in which they are developed.
  • To identify the people who receive school guidance counselling services.
  • To Know what  the main responsibilities and roles of the school guidance counsellor are.

First, we looked for information in order to know what a webquest was.

Second we split in groups of four and, following the instructions teacher provides in his webquest, we created a digital product. In this digital product we explained in depth school guidance and counselling.

What is a webquest?

"A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the internet" (Dodge, 1995)

When we are talking about webquest we are refering to a digital product which contains some tasks that must be developed by students in order to solve an hypothetical problem or achieve some objectives. A good webquest requires a synthesis of the new knowledge which students must achieve.

A webquest must contain....
Know more

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012




  1. To know what is a school guidance and counselling plan. Its aims and contents. 



Before starting doing our school guidance plan, we read all the materials uploaded by the teacher in moodle. Thanks to these materials, we knew what was a school guidance plan, which sections it contained and which was the aim of it.

Some basic concepts to take into account: 


After reading some documents, we started imagining one hypothetical context where our school guidance plan could be developed. Thus, we created an English school named Cardiff. Cardiff is a bilingual school (English- Greek) where there are a host of Spanish immigrant students. 


Adapting to our context,, we create our  school guidance plan. Our plan is specially foccussed on providing help to immigrants  in order to avoid their difficulties when they deal with both English and greek languages. 
We pay specially attention to visual and virtual  resources.


See our school guidance plan explained in prezi:

Our activity

Firstly, at the beginning of the session, Athina starts talking in Greek to put our listeners on the shoes of these immigrant students who neither know English nor Greek. 

 Our audience was totally confused because they did not understand anything. At this point, we started exposing our prezi presentation. In our presentation we just explained the most important points in order to make the audience have a clear idea of  the next activities. We also gave a dossier to the audience in which the most theoretical information was collected. 

After explaining our prezi, we finished with some activities. 
  The first activity, thought for primary grade students, consited on reading a book in Greek . While Athina was reading the book, the rest of us showed some pictures which illustrates the most difficult words.

   To assess their acquired knowledge during the previous activity we made a domino game in which students have to join the Greek concepts with the English ones. For immigrant students there is an image next to the English word due to the fact that they do not even know English.

   To close our session we taught and sang a Greek song. 

A good school guidance and counselling plan

After developing our school guidance plan, I have realized that a good school guidance plan must take into account both the necessities of the students and the  availability of the ressources the school have to cope with those necessities. Only if we have into consideration our resources we are going to provide good. Realistic plans linked to the context are the good ones!

Besides I have also understand  that  a good school guidance plan must involve all the school community: students, family, teachers and all the staff of the school. Cooperative work among school member is key to cope with difficulties. 
Cooperative work with families is needed if we want to get to the child and guide him in the appropriate way.Parents usually know better their child than teachers so they can orientate us about how to help their child. However, we must not forget that we are the experts. That is why,    sometimes, we should have a clear idea of what we intend in spite of parent's criticisms.  

Our school guidance plan 

We,  as students  who are in a biligual group, know how difficult can be to cope with the language difficulties. For this reason, and thinking about foreigner students who neither know the foreigner language nor the language from the country which receives them, we decided to carry out our ' trilinguism programme'.

Our 'trilinguism programme'  aim  was to  expose the importance of visual and gestural communication for immigrants people integration. It is truth that for immigrant people,  knowing a second language when they do not even the first can be a real mess. However, visual materials and gestures, in our opinion, could be a very good tool to overcome those differences.  


Our greek tale

 Maria is wearing a pink dress. The color of her hair is yellow
She listened to a beautiful music and she wanted to know where it comes from.
She opened the brown door and walked on the road.
Then she saw a river and on the other side there was a boy who was playing a harp.

Η Μαρία είναι ένα κορίτσι. Το ΦΟΡΕΜΑ της είναι ΡΟΖ και τα μαλλιά της έχουν ΚΙΤΡΙΝΟ χρώμα.
Εκεί που καθόταν, άκουσε ξαφνικά μια ωραία ΜΟΥΣΙΚΗ και ήθελε να δει από πού ερχόταν.
Άνοιξε λοιπόν την ΚΑΦΕ ΠΟΡΤΑ του σπιτιού της και βγήκε στο ΔΡΟΜΟ.
Εκεί που περπατούσε είδε ένα ΠΟΤΑΜΙ και στην άκρη του ποταμιού καθόταν ένα αγόρι που έπαιζε με την ΑΡΠΑ του. Και έτσι η Μαρία βρήκε τελικά από πού ερχόταν αυτή η ωραία μουσική που άκουγε.

Our greek song


(GREEK VERSION)                                                       

Κεφάλι, ώμοι, γόνατα και δάχτυλα 
Κεφάλι, ώμοι, γόνατα και δάχτυλα 
Ματάκια, αυτάκια, στόμα και μυτούλα
Κεφάλι, ώμοι, γόνατα και δάχτυλα (x3)
Kefali, omi, gonata ke dactila
Kefali, omi, gonata ke dactila
Matakia, aftakia, miti ke mitula
Kefali, omi, gonata ke dactila


Head, shoulders, knees and fingers,

Eyes, ears, nose and mouth.

Enjoy it :)





1. To learn the contents about Support Measures for Learners in Early Childhood and School Education.
2. To be able to put in practice the contents explained.
3. Cooperative learning by working in groups.
4. To develop the critical capacity to evaluate what other groups have done.


1. 3 murals, one for each target group: hospitalized children, children from rural areas and itinerant students.
2. Post-its of three colors.
3. Power point.


Our collaborative activity is based on the “El album de cromos” activity but we have done some changes in order to make it more participative and creative.
We will show a power point in order to give the needed ideas and the information to the class. Before starting presenting it we will advice the class that they have to pay attention because they will have to work on this information without consulting it again.
 At this moment, we will spare the class in three groups and distribute a mural to each group. We will also distribute post-its. Each group will be assigned a specific color of post-its. 
Each member of the group will have to write in a post-it a proposal for putting into practice and for adapting to their target group the measures explained in the power point presentation. The members of the group will have to talk for not repeating the information and help each other. Once it is finished they will stick post-its on the mural and rotate it to another group.
Now what the groups have to do is to correct and complete the information that the previous groups have stuck. They must put their contributions in the other part of the mural.
 The rotation of murals is done one more time and finally each team will have the card that they had at the beginning with posits of the others teams. This way all groups will be able to add things to each mural and to get more complete information.
 If there is time left, each group will expose the mural to the rest of the class.


During the activity we will be watching how they are working in order to help them if needed.
Also, at the end of the presentation, we could make some questions to see if for example the target group “students of rural areas” have information also about “hospitalized students” and to check if they have learned.
Furthermore each student will have to sign their own posit. This will help us to do an individual evaluation of it (this fact could motivate them to do the work properly).
In order to assess the work group is the reason why we have given a different colored posit to each group. Apart from the post-its, the final exposition will also help us to assess their work.


Personally, I think that we perform the activity good. We just were a little bit anxious with the time. However, people understand what we pretended to do with this activity: not only explaining  some concepts but make them think about other possible meassures and learn about other points of view.

See our power point presentation




  1. To know more about spanish school guidance and counselling.


In order to do this activity, we used a technique named Group of experts (collaborative methodology).  We Followed these steps:

1. The group of the class was divided in the ordinary groups: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

2. Each group chose an Expert of one specific topic related to Guidance and Counseling.
The topics are:
Spain: Guidance and Counselling in Early Childhood
Spain: Guidance and Counselling in Higher Education.
Spain: Guidance and Counselling in a Lifelong Learning Approach.
Spain: Support Measures for Learners in Adult Education and Training.

3. Each expert of each group read the document previously choosen with the other experts of the others groups who have choosen the same document.  Therefore, all experts number 1 worked together, all number 2 together and so on. Besides learning and understanding the document, experts decided the best way of explaining their topic to the members of their group. 

4. Once the experts went back to their groups, they had to explain their topic. . During the the explanations the participants could take notes, asked questions...

5. By the end of the process,  the teacher asked us  about the topic explained. 



  • In which principles is it based? Describe them briefly.

 Guidance and education in early childhood is based on the following principles described in the 2006 Education Act:
  1. It is a right for every student.
  2. It constitutes a fundamental intervention for making real the principles of equity and education equality in basic education although it must be extended lifelong.
  3. It is based on the principles of prevention, development and global intervention.
  4. Their target groups are students, families and education professionals.
  5. It is responsibility of the whole school community, although counsellors assume a leading role.
  6.  It is carried out by trained and prestigious professionals.
  7.  It requires some comprehensive plans for diversity attention and network.
  •  Target groups:
It is orientated to families, teachers or professionals and students of Primary schools.
  • Explain the relation between LOE and the decrees of the Autonomous Communities.
The LOE provides that the education Authorities are responsible of guidance development, so, currently, most of the Autonomous Communities have passed specific regulations for its complete or partial organisation. In addition, many aspects related to the functions and the structure of the educational guidance are regulated by the Decrees on the curriculum of Primary and Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) of the Autonomous Communities and by the organic rules of the school.
  • In which function of Guidance would you set “Welcoming Plans”?
Welcoming plans are set into the function of educative prevention and intervention.
  •  Explain the function “Diagnose” briefly.   
Diagnose functions make reference to the execution of psychopedagogical evaluations, psychopedagogic reports or proposals for students’ schooling.
  • Describe how the level of direct intervention at Schools is organized and the main differences between Pre – Primary, Primary and Secondary School.
Direct intervention at schools is organaized into three major sections:
  1.       At classroom level, it is the framework where the set of actions established in the tutorial action plan of the school are included. These actions are developed by the tutor and all the teachers of a group of students. In ESO is pointed out that this tutorial action plan must 'pay special attention to the educational an professional guidance of the students” and, one of the tutor’s functions is described as “inform, guide and give advice to the students about their learning process and their academic and professional possibilities'.
  2. The level of direct intervention at schools puts together different guidance structures. In Pre – Primary and Primary Education there is a clear predominance of guidance structures that are external to schools (Education and Psychopedagogic Guidance Teams), while in Secondary Education they are usually internal to schools (Guidance Departments). This level gathers the actions related to the direct work with students, teachers and families, counselling on the process  of preparing the school documentation, the set up of prevention measures, diagnosis and intervention with students and, sometimes, teaching.
  3. Finally, the third level in guidance organisation model is direct or specific intervention with schools, formed by external structures that function as support for the structures of direct intervention abovementioned. At the same time, they carry out coordination functions between the different schools in the same area, keeping institutional communication and between professionals.
  •  What type of degree do you need to hold in order to be a member of a Guidance Unit or Team?
Becoming a member of a guidance unit requires to hold a Licenciado or Bachelor’s degree in Pedagogy, Psychology and Psycho – pedagogy.
  • Brief profile description of the three roles that could take part of a Guidance Team.
The roles taken by education staff responsible for guidance in Early childhood are the following ones: 

The class teacher,  the person responsible for the guidance of pupils. At pre – primary and primary education level, focus on pupils’ satisfactory integration in the group of classmates, whereas at secondary education, they focus on more specific aspects of academic and professional guidance.

School counsellors who have to provide support, advice and specific guidance to all students as well as to cooperate with educational establishments and their teaching staff in the development of projects for different activities, tutorials, and academic and professional guidance.

Social workers are members of the Educational and Psycho – pedagogical Guidance Teams, Guidance Units or Guidance Departments at non – university educational institutions. They belong to the body of Technical Teachers of Vocational Training specialised in Community Services and are mainly responsible for identifying pupils with a low attendance record, analysing the causes of their problems, and guaranteeing their return and successful reintegration into school.

  • Give two examples of the recent tasks which have been recently defined (2011) related to the Attention, Guidance and Professional Insertion of University Students.

  1.  To establish a system of comprehensive attention to students and university degree holders in the framework of the European Higher Education Area, responding to their needs and demands in the new educative and social context.
  2.  To promote specialised attention programmes aimed at future students, university students and university degree holders.

  • What are the Centres for Guidance and Information on Employment (COIE) in charge of?
They  are in charge of giving guidance for finding a job to university degree holders and students in the last years of university education, and of informing about the existing training and professional choices. Regarding employment, they can provide internships in companies, or training and incorporation to work courses, or offer the companies a free service for covering some vacancies in an initial selection phase.
  • Give two examples of grants for university students and another two of specific measures for disabled students.
 Two possible grants for university students can be: general grants and specific grants.
Two possible measures for disabled students are: to abilitate the place where they study and to adaptate the curriculum to their needs. 

  •  Where do we find the following topics or subjects in terms of Guidance in Vocational Training Studies: “Learning opportunities”, “Creation and management of an enterprise and self – employment”, “Work Organisation”?
We find it in this part of the text:
            “This kind of training is aimed at getting knowledge on several topics:learning opportunities; work opportunities; work opportunities; creation and management of an enterprise and self – employment; work organisationand enterprise relationships; basic labour legislation; legislation concerning equal opportunities and non – discrimination against disabled people; as well as the tights and duties coming from labour relationships, in order to ease of the access to employment or the reintegration into the labour market.”
  • In which programmes/services do we talk about the possibility of recognize and certify experienced knowledge and skills? How is the Guidance in those cases?
 In the programme or service of “Recognising the professional competences acquired by work experience”, we can talk about the possibility of recognize and certify experienced knowledge and skills. In this case we can find guidance in order to make easier for adults lifelong learning, integration and insertion into working, and personal and professional progression, a proceeding for assessing and certifying professional skills acquired through work experience or non – formal training has been established, as well as the effects that this assessment and certification process may have. In this aspect, Education and Labour Authorities assure an open and permanent service that provides information and guidance on the process and the official certificates that can be got. During this process, guidance is compulsory and has an individualised or collective nature, depending on the characteristics of the concrete call and on candidates’ needs.

  •  Why is the Adult Education and Training in itself and specific support measure?
It is a support measure because it promots equal opportunities for everyone.

            5. FREE-ANSWER QUESTION:
  • Add one more question to each part that you would consider important in order to get the main key concepts.
 What is the main difference between guidance and counselling bearing on what you have read in the text?         


I think that 'group of experts' is a good activity to promote collaborative learning and cooperative work because it allow students to feel important and needed! 




  1. To present ourselves.
  2. To realize what we know about school guidance and counselling.
  3. To know more about it.


Teacher asked us for the definition of 'orientación educativa y acción tutorial' and for translating this term into English. First indiviadually,  after in pairs, and finally in groups of 4, we tried to create our personal definition. In groups we look for the best  translation of the term.

My personal definition

'Organización educativa y acción tutorial' is the way schools organaize themselves (the director, teachers and other staff) in order to teach different subjects. Besides, it is the way teacher must orientate the students both in their academic career and in their lives.

In pairs

'Organización educativa y acción tutorial' is about being aware of children that could be in problems. It is also to try to help children to overcome problems both in their personal lives and their academic education.
Therefore, 'organización educativa y acción tutorial' is about orientating the child in choosing the right decission to act.

In groups of four

'Organización educativa y acción tutorial' has to do with school counselling which involves recognizing academic and personal problems in order to help children to overcome them by adapting the established instructions to each student's context.

We translate 'orientación educativa y acción tutorial' into:  Educational guidance and tutoring action.

When we finished, one member of each group write the definition of his or her group in the blackboard. The rest of students discussed what we though about it and selected some words that we liked for the definition written in the balckboard. Thus, we get some key words from all groups definitions.

Key words

Counselling, problems, context, tools, to solve, guidance, diversity, tutorizing, educational objectives.

Finally, we get to the point that although we thought that we didn't know anything about 'orientación educativa y acción tutorial', in reallty we do.


About the method used (1-2-4)

In my opinion 1-2-4 method is a really good one for introducing a new topic to students.  Firstly, because it is an active method which lets students to think. Secondly, because it makes them to work  cooperatively; in pairs, groups of four and the all class. Thirdly, because it makes students  listen their partners and open their minds to other's opinions.

About what I have learnt

We sometimes know more than we thought!