lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012




  1. To present ourselves.
  2. To realize what we know about school guidance and counselling.
  3. To know more about it.


Teacher asked us for the definition of 'orientación educativa y acción tutorial' and for translating this term into English. First indiviadually,  after in pairs, and finally in groups of 4, we tried to create our personal definition. In groups we look for the best  translation of the term.

My personal definition

'Organización educativa y acción tutorial' is the way schools organaize themselves (the director, teachers and other staff) in order to teach different subjects. Besides, it is the way teacher must orientate the students both in their academic career and in their lives.

In pairs

'Organización educativa y acción tutorial' is about being aware of children that could be in problems. It is also to try to help children to overcome problems both in their personal lives and their academic education.
Therefore, 'organización educativa y acción tutorial' is about orientating the child in choosing the right decission to act.

In groups of four

'Organización educativa y acción tutorial' has to do with school counselling which involves recognizing academic and personal problems in order to help children to overcome them by adapting the established instructions to each student's context.

We translate 'orientación educativa y acción tutorial' into:  Educational guidance and tutoring action.

When we finished, one member of each group write the definition of his or her group in the blackboard. The rest of students discussed what we though about it and selected some words that we liked for the definition written in the balckboard. Thus, we get some key words from all groups definitions.

Key words

Counselling, problems, context, tools, to solve, guidance, diversity, tutorizing, educational objectives.

Finally, we get to the point that although we thought that we didn't know anything about 'orientación educativa y acción tutorial', in reallty we do.


About the method used (1-2-4)

In my opinion 1-2-4 method is a really good one for introducing a new topic to students.  Firstly, because it is an active method which lets students to think. Secondly, because it makes them to work  cooperatively; in pairs, groups of four and the all class. Thirdly, because it makes students  listen their partners and open their minds to other's opinions.

About what I have learnt

We sometimes know more than we thought!

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