martes, 22 de mayo de 2012



  1. To know what is a webquest.
  2. To deap into school guidance and councelling concept.

  • To understand the concept of school guidance counselling.
  • To know the main functions of the school guidance counselling services and the areas in which they are developed.
  • To identify the people who receive school guidance counselling services.
  • To Know what  the main responsibilities and roles of the school guidance counsellor are.

First, we looked for information in order to know what a webquest was.

Second we split in groups of four and, following the instructions teacher provides in his webquest, we created a digital product. In this digital product we explained in depth school guidance and counselling.

What is a webquest?

"A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the internet" (Dodge, 1995)

When we are talking about webquest we are refering to a digital product which contains some tasks that must be developed by students in order to solve an hypothetical problem or achieve some objectives. A good webquest requires a synthesis of the new knowledge which students must achieve.

A webquest must contain....
Know more

Our webquest

Once we know what a webquest was, my group created one. In our webquest the following questions were answered:  
  • What is school guidance counselling? Are guidance and counselling synonyms? 
  • What are its functions and its main areas?
  • Who receives the school guidance and counselling services?
  • What services are provided in the school guidance and counselling programmes?
  • Who provides these services?
  • When are the school guidance counselling services provided?
  • Where are they provided.

A web quest is another way of learning, more dynamic, cooperative and varied
A web quest allow students to work in a more active way, they are who look for the information, who summarise the contents, who work with the knowledge...

Personally, I have enjoyed creating our web because we have learnt not only theoretical concepts about this subjects but because we have achieved some IT skills and knowledge which I consider very important in this modern  and 'technological' times.

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